Contact us

Our Headquarters

Contact details

Elyon Logistics


Mazatlán Airport Road S/N Col. Habalito del Tubo CP. 82207


Monday – Friday 08:30 am – 17:30 pm
Saturday 08:30 am – 2:00 pm



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Frequently Asked Questions from Our Clients

1. What is Elyon Logistics?

Elyon logistics is a company focused on providing comprehensive solutions to the automotive supply chain, providing a comprehensive logistics service to global chains.

2. Where they are located?

Elyon Logistics is located in the port of Mazatlán, this being a strategic port due to its location in the T-MEC corridor where vessels with vehicular cargo arrive from different countries.

3. What services do you provide?
Logistics Yard Rental
REPUVE installation. (Public vehicle registration)
Maneuvers and Loading of Transporter Trucks
Dock-yard transfer.
Transporter Truck Transportation
4. What do we guarantee to clients?

Safety, trust, quality, attention to detail, care and caution during each stage of the automotive supply chain.

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